Everything You Need to Know About Scrap Metal Grades

NOV 02, 2022

Everything You Need to Know About Scrap Metal Grades

Scrap metal recycling is a cost-efficient solution to waste management. One of the most often overlooked methods of reducing your carbon footprint is scrap metal recycling, but it's easy and costs you nothing. Scrap steel and iron are important in the manufacturing and building industries. All grades of mixed scrap contain materials recycled into new products by a scrap metal company, such as road signs, oil reversing blades for trucks, rebar, steel wool, siding for the railroads, nails, and spikes. RCM Recycling has put together this list for your scrap metal guidance.

The value of scrap metal can vary widely depending on the type and grade. For example, copper, stainless steel, and aluminum are commonly recycled because they are valuable metals used in manufacturing. However, other types of scrap metal, such as brass and solid copper, are often considered undesirable because they are not as easily recycled or reused.

When you're looking to sell scrap metal, it's important to know what kind of grades are available to get the best price for your materials. If you're not sure what grade is best for your particular items, ask the buyer if they will accept any grade or if they have a preference when accepting items for recycling.

Mixed Scrap

Mixed scrap is any combination of different metals collected together as one unit for recycling purposes. This can include anything from old appliances and electronics to worn-out tools and household items containing multiple metal parts. Mixed scrap can often be sorted by hand into individual pieces. Still, some items may require more specialized equipment to separate all the different types of metals from one another before they can be sold on the open market.


Brass is an alloy made from copper and zinc (and sometimes tin). It’s used in many applications, including plumbing fixtures, electrical fittings, and decorative objects like statues and fountains.

Stainless Steel

This type of steel has at least 10% chromium added to it for increased corrosion resistance. It can be found in kitchen utensils like pots and pans and medical instruments like surgical tools and orthopedic braces. Stainless steel is one of the most recycled materials in the world due to its high value after recycling and long lifespan compared to other materials like aluminum or plastic.


Aluminum is a lightweight, durable metal used in everything from aircraft construction to soda cans. You can find aluminum in many forms at home, including pots and pans, foil and foil trays, appliances, and even aluminum siding if you have an older home.

Solid Copper

Copper is another valuable type of scrap metal commonly found in homes. Copper pipes can be found in plumbing systems throughout the house, while copper wiring is used for electrical connections throughout your home. Copper pipes are also sometimes used as decorative accents around faucets or other fixtures in bathrooms or kitchens.

Copper Wire

Many electrical devices use copper wire for their power supply, so it's common to find this type of scrap metal inside electronics like computers, televisions, or microwaves when cleaning the garage or basement after moving out of your last place!

RCM Recycling

With so many different grades of scrap metal on the market, it is important to understand your options and what creating a sustainable stream of scrap metal will look like in your facility. By understanding the usage and recyclability of each type of metal, you can make better decisions about which materials to focus on for your scrap metal recycling and how to maximize your potential revenue.